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Casa V - 90%貴族白鵝絨被 | 90% Emperor Goose Down Duvet

Casa V - 90%貴族白鵝絨被 | 90% Emperor Goose Down Duvet

Regular price $750.00 CAD
Regular price $1,200.00 CAD Sale price $750.00 CAD
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1. 保暖調溫:羽絨是一種動物性蛋白質纖維,並擁有獨特三角形骨架結構,能把大量空氣儲存於羽絨之間並產生調溫功能,吸收人體散發的多餘熱能,同時隔絕冷空氣。

2. 透氣乾爽:羽絨球狀纖維上的三角小氣孔,具有很好的吸濕和透氣功能,能不斷吸收並散發人體釋放出的汗水,保持被內乾爽,避免潮濕和悶熱感。

3. 輕柔舒適:羽絨被重量僅一般被的1/3,輕盈蓬鬆度相當於棉花的2.5倍和羊毛的2.2倍,蓋在身上不會有壓迫感,有利於血液循環和呼吸暢順。

4. 懸垂貼身:其優良的懸垂性,能隨著用家睡眠時轉換的姿勢而依然保持貼服形狀,防止因移位而令冷空氣進入被內,保持人體睡眠溫度和暖不受冷。

5. 經久耐用:羽絨被的使用壽命可以比一般被要長,不易變形見不需經常清洗,若保養得宜可使用至30年以上。


面料: 100%
90%白鵝絨, 10% 白鵝毛

Selected natural high-quality goose down, with its unique triangular structure, can store a large amount of air for temperature regulation and warmth. The triangular air holes on the down clusters can continuously absorb and release the sweat emitted by the human body, achieving excellent moisture absorption and breathability; coupled with its soft texture, it is conducive to blood circulation and smooth breathing, providing a gentle and warm healthy sleep experience.
  1. Warmth and Temperature Regulation: Down is an animal protein fiber with a unique triangular skeletal structure that can store a large amount of air between the down and generate temperature regulation function, absorbing excess heat emitted by the human body while isolating cold air.

  2. Breathable and Dry: The triangular micro-pores on the spherical down fibers have excellent moisture absorption and breathability, continuously absorbing and releasing the sweat released by the human body, keeping the inside of the duvet dry, avoiding dampness and stuffiness.

  3. Light and Comfortable: The weight of the down duvet is only one-third of a regular duvet, with a fluffiness equivalent to 2.5 times that of cotton and 2.2 times that of wool, so it does not feel oppressive when lying on the body, which is beneficial for blood circulation and smooth breathing.

  4. Draping and Close-Fitting: Its excellent draping quality allows it to maintain a close-fitting shape as the user changes positions during sleep, preventing cold air from entering due to displacement and keeping the body's sleep temperature warm and unaffected by the cold.

  5. Durable: The lifespan of a down duvet can be longer than that of regular duvets, it is not prone to deformation and does not need frequent cleaning. With proper maintenance, it can be used for over 30 years.
In addition, CASA-V's unique all-Hong Kong first air purification, anti-mold, anti-mite, antibacterial, and deodorizing 5A functions create a green and sterile sleeping life.

Fabric: 100% Cotton
90% White Goose Down, 10% White Goose Feather

Queen Size 80×89"

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