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Casablanca - 再生抗菌速暖被 | Regenerated Germproof Supreme Thermal Quilt

Casablanca - 再生抗菌速暖被 | Regenerated Germproof Supreme Thermal Quilt

Regular price $350.00 CAD
Regular price $350.00 CAD Sale price $350.00 CAD
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來自日本專利研發的再生科技絨,靈感取自冰島頂級雁鴨的絨球特性,擁有獨特中空長纖絨串結構,兼備極速聚暖、蓬鬆回彈及柔軟輕盈三大特點;加上其抗菌防蟎、不易滲絨,並可直接水洗等功能,特別適合怕冷、容易手腳冰冷、呼吸道易敏,或習慣洗滌者使用。以再生綠色纖維,創造升級版的舒暖、健康與便利的睡眠體驗! 再生の絨日本專利的再生科技絨,研發靈感來自臨摹冰島頂級雁鴨絨球特性,擁有獨特的中空長纖絨串結構,互相纏連而不易斷裂,帶來媲美羽絨的極緻禦寒及蓬鬆回彈性;體驗環保健康之選,亦帶來比其它傳統纖維更強的冬晚守護! 





面料: 100%聚酯纖維
填充物: 100%聚酯纖維

Double Size 70×89"
Queen Size  80×89"

The innovative technology behind this bedding material comes from a Japanese patented development known as "regenerated technology fluff," inspired by the properties of down clusters from premium Icelandic eider ducks. This material features a unique hollow, long-fiber cluster structure that offers three main benefits: rapid warmth retention, fluffy resilience, and soft, lightweight comfort. Additionally, it boasts antimicrobial and anti-mite properties, resistance to feather leakage, and is machine washable, making it particularly suitable for those who are cold-sensitive, prone to chilly extremities, have sensitive respiratory systems, or have a preference for frequently washed bedding. By using regenerated green fibers, this technology aims to create an upgraded sleep experience that is warm, healthy, and convenient.

Regenerated Fluff — This Japanese patented technology fluff is inspired by the characteristics of Icelandic eiderdown clusters, featuring a unique hollow, long-fiber cluster structure that interlocks without breaking easily, offering extreme cold protection and fluffy resilience comparable to down. It represents an eco-friendly and healthy choice that provides stronger protection on cold nights compared to traditional fibers.

Warm and Fluffy — The use of a three-dimensional triangular V-shaped quilting structure not only ensures even distribution and fullness of the fluff but also prevents direct airflow between the top and bottom layers, enhancing the warmth retention. This is particularly beneficial for those who are cold-sensitive, providing a new option for rapid warmth.

Antibacterial and Anti-mite — The fabric, treated with a special high-density spinning process, creates an environment that is inhospitable to dust mites, preventing dust and mites from penetrating and reducing allergens at their source. The regenerated fluff has passed the GB/T20944.3-2008 "Evaluation of Antibacterial Performance of Textiles" national test, confirming its ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus.

Allergy Reduction — The high-density fabric effectively prevents feather leakage and offers only one-seventh of the micro dust space compared to down, reducing the production of allergens such as dust, making it especially suitable for those with respiratory allergies. Moreover, as an odorless, eco-friendly fiber, regenerated fluff is ideal for those sensitive to animal scents, offering worry-free comfort.

Easy Care — The material can be machine washed in a 30°C gentle cycle, saving on living costs and offering convenience to those who regularly wash their duvets, ensuring a cleaner and more secure sleeping environment.

Fabric: 100% Polyester
Filling: 100% Polyester

Double Size 70×89"
Queen Size 80×89"


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